Support the efforts of those who work voluntarily for the practice.
Maintain the infrastructure and the material means necessary for the practice.
YOU HAVE ACCES TO... Sesshins organised by AZI at La Gendronnière Temple (ex: Les doigts d'or, summer sessions, and other samu weeks)
Information about the life of the sanghas and places of practice.
Publications such as:
Zen Revue which contains in-depth articles, translations and Zen Buddhist Texts the periodical Sangha, leaflets for the principal activities at La Gendronnière.
Voting rights during the General Assembly (AGM). Membership of AZI allows you to participate in the AGM, to vote on the issues discussed, and to receive the report which outlines the directions and options for the future.
"Civil Liability / Individual Accident Liability" insurance covering accidents during practice activities organised in France and throughout the world by AZI.